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EHR Systems for Behavioral Health and Hybrid Therapy

EHR systems for behavioral health have been game-changers in the field. We’ve come a long way from transferring physical charts and using filing cabinets. Many practices now have the ability to see clients both in person and virtually, and clinicians can work remotely. As these hybrid therapy practices become more common, EHR systems are integral in enabling them to deliver high-quality care, run efficiently, and maintain overall compliance.

This post highlights the benefits of EHR systems for behavioral health practices. Here, we show you how to choose the perfect platform to meet the needs of your practice and provide tips on getting the most out of the system.

The Benefits of Using EHR Systems for Behavioral Health

Higher Quality Care

Measurement-based care is recommended by the American Psychological Association as an evidence-based practice that has been shown to improve patient engagement and treatment outcomes. When it’s part of an EHR system, routine assessments are automatically sent to the patients, and responses are presented in the platform so therapists can easily tailor ongoing treatment.

Tracking progress with an EHR platform takes a burden off therapists and ensures that patient information is always up to date. A system that lends itself to simple navigation and clear alignment of progress notes to treatment goals helps therapists guide sessions with intention and focus.

Greater Flexibility

An EHR system simplifies scheduling so clinicians can keep their availability current. When patients can book and reschedule sessions as needed, it increases the opportunity for continuous care with fewer sessions missed.

Telehealth generally makes therapy more accessible for patients facing various barriers to attending in-person sessions. It offers a simple option when a last-minute change from in-person to virtual might be needed to keep an appointment. Telehealth capabilities within the EHR platform reduce the need for patients and clinicians to learn multiple systems and ultimately offer greater flexibility and continuity of care.

Better Patient Engagement

Engagement improves when patients can communicate directly with providers, for example, via secure messaging with an EHR. The ability to complete assessments and have responses readily available to discuss in session also increases therapeutic engagement. The platform streamlines many functions that previously required manual work or an additional staff person, thereby promoting more direct and frequent communication of patient needs.

Greater Efficiency with Fewer Manual Processes

An EHR system makes vital information readily available to clinicians and support staff. It automatically enables staff to see which notes are completed and which are overdue. Notifications can be sent to clinicians or patients if a task needs to be completed. Billing processes get streamlined and take significantly less time and manual effort. The platform also reduces the need for manual processes, thereby reducing the need for support staff in general. Fewer manual tasks mean lower costs for the practice overall.

How to Choose the Right EHR System for Your Practice

Choosing the right EHR system for your practice means clearly understanding your current workflows and needs. This is why it is important to include staff members who operate at various levels in your early discussions to get the best sense of what workflows are necessary.

When shopping for an EHR system, know whether you will need a telehealth solution, options for messaging, and patient-facing features. Consider how you are currently measuring and tracking patient progress, how patients schedule or reschedule their sessions, and what tasks are involved in the billing process to determine whether the current workflows are efficient or whether an EHR system can improve them.

Once you’ve identified the features and workflows that your practice can’t do without and the functions that could be improved, it’s time to start looking. Set up a demo, and choose one or two of your clinicians to engage in a trial. Connect with the EHR system support team to discuss the rollout and implementation process. The goal is to get a platform that meets your basic needs, supports your staff, and adds value to your practice.

Getting the Most Out of Your EHR System

Once you’ve chosen the right EHR system for your practice, it’s time for the rollout. Set proper expectations from the start. Determine who will attend training and how many sessions they might need. Circulate training and contact information for the technical support team. Identify super users early on who can help others in the practice get going with the new platform.

Aside from preparing and training staff, decide how you would like your patients to engage with the system, such as whether you want them to have scheduling and messaging abilities and whether they should be able to engage in sessions virtually. Finding ways to circulate the necessary information to patients and support their use of the platform is crucial to setting them up for success.

In conclusion, the benefits of using EHR systems for behavioral health practice far outweigh the costs. They improve patient engagement and quality of care and measure therapy outcomes on a regular basis, promoting the flexibility needed to stay consistent and engaged with sessions.

Here at CarePaths, we help therapists work more effectively and improve patient outcomes. To learn more about how we can help you, start your free trial today!

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