Grow your practice with these new trends in EHR technology

Top Therapy Practice EHR Trends to Help Maximize Growth

Growing a therapy practice can be made simple with CarePaths, an EHR with over twenty years of experience developing HIPAA-compliant online behavioral health software. The system provides for patient empowerment, flexible sessions through telehealth, and centralized administration. These three components are among the top EHR trends that will help maximize growth for behavioral healthcare professionals.

Patient Empowerment Drives Participation, strengthening the Patient-Practitioner Partnership

As data becomes more widely available through new digital tools, patients and therapists are working more collaboratively than ever to improve mental health outcomes. CarePaths encourages this by providing a patient portal where clients can access their health records and message their practitioners with questions and concerns. This type of empowerment increases patient participation, which is linked to better outcomes for patients. According to, “the ease of communication between patients and providers may help providers identify symptoms earlier and become more proactive.”

Being cognizant of this critical partnership, practices must recognize patient rights, especially those relating to the right to information, the right to choose, and the right to be heard. CarePaths has designed a technology that enables growing practices to customize their sites to provide the best information to their patients, so they can share power through the collaborative control of vital records. Their communication tools help patients and therapists remain in contact, which has also been shown to increase patient engagement leading to better results from treatment.

As an EHR system focused on behavioral health, CarePaths equips patients with an accessible means of managing their own care as much as possible, which moves patients and practitioners to the ultimate goal of independence and confidence. A practice that gets the desired results of behavioral and mental health is inevitably poised to grow. CarePaths has created a system that takes advantage of current trends relating to patient empowerment, participation, and outcomes-based processes.

Easy-to-Implement Teletherapy

Telehealth is supported by the American Medical Association, which states that it is “critical to the future of healthcare,” and Healthcare IT news calls telemedicine “the new normal.” In 2021, the US government passed the Advancing Telehealth Beyond COVID-19 Act, which enables Medicare patients to access telehealth services through 2024. The availability of teletherapy provides choices, creates access, and eliminates common barriers to treatment, like distance, risk, or comfort. CarePaths further empowers patients by enabling them to choose how they want to be served, whether in person or via chat, phone, or video. This ease of access grows a practice by increasing the number of patients able to receive care.

If practitioners want to stay in business and meet the needs of the global healthcare market, they must adopt an EHR system that has telehealth capacity. Their competition has likely already implemented a viable platform and may be expanding into other virtual areas, such as patient monitoring and health screenings. Practices must not be remiss about collecting data necessary to make the best decisions regarding patient care. CarePaths enables even the smallest private practices to get on board with this current policy shift in healthcare.

Centralizing Administrative Functions and Mobile Access

With CarePaths, data is efficiently managed and reported. Billing and coding are done faster and with fewer errors, and overall customer service is automated with appointment reminders, online invoicing, free claims and eligibility checks, ePrescribing, and data reporting. This saves time, which can speed up growth for any private practice.

CarePaths EHR has also implemented an Automated Measurement-Based Care feature that provides a weekly standardized battery of assessments to patients to improve therapeutic outcomes. This data will be displayed at the top of each patient’s chart to help the clinician monitor their progress. Their webinar explains how measurement-based care improves outcomes, especially for cases identified as having a high risk of failure. Dr. Bruce Wampold, webinar facilitator and CarePath’s Chief Clinical Officer, discusses how to focus on patient progress while creating a therapeutic climate where difficulties can be discussed.

Ultimately, CarePaths can help all facets of private practice. Patients will have the opportunity to blossom as they become empowered and increase their participation in the therapeutic process, and practitioners can develop as core partners alongside their patients while enhancing the administrative capacity of their businesses. CarePaths EHR is a win-win for everyone involved in the behavioral health industry.

Here at CarePaths, we help therapists work more effectively and improve patient outcomes by empowering them with innovative EHR technology. To learn more about how we can help you, start your free trial today!

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