The following therapists are available for therapy in your state. Please click on their profile to learn more about their services and experience.


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Heidi Naumowicz
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Licensed in IL

Thinking about making your life better?

I'm Heidi. I've been helping people improve their life for over 20 years. I've walked with people as they navigate nearly every type life event you can think of from birth to death. People have sought support and treatment from me for depression, anxiety, parenting issues, phobias, sleep issues, work issues, anger, loss/grief, and many more problems. I've been particularly effective for those dealing with difficult family situations, emotional issues complicated by health issues, relationship problems, anxiety and mood issues.
My rate is $185 per intake session + $155 per regular session
In closing ...I know that it is often hard to accept the need to get help. And I know it can be daunting to ask for it and find someone you can trust. So I'm committed to helping those that reach out to me in the most accessible and easiest way I can, because I recognize that it's already been tough getting to my door.
And ...I am honored to walk with you as you continue to get through the tough stuff.


Online Therapy
In Person Therapy

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Heidi Naumowicz
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Licensed in IL


11603 S IL ROUTE 47 Suite E


Online Therapy
In Person Therapy