The following therapists are available for therapy in your state. Please click on their profile to learn more about their services and experience.


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Robert Cormier
Licensed Behavior Analyst
Licensed in MO

Your path to WellHealth starts here ...

WellHealth Clinic is a St. Louis City-based Non-Profit 501(c)(3) IRS Tax-Exempt community health organization promoting Integrated and Evidenced-Based health care services to low income individuals and families and developing innovative healthcare delivery solutions. Our Integrated and Evidenced-Based healthcare services include psychiatry, psychotherapy, behavioral health, and tele-health services. WellHealth Clinic serves broad patient populations from children to adults to the elderly. Our patients include men, women, minorities, and veterans. Some belong to the LGBTQ population. Some live in foster care or assisted living facilities or are unhoused. Some have a forensic status, including, sexual offenders and those who have been incarcerated or who are on parole. We also see victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, violent crimes, or human trafficking.
My rate is $175 per intake session + $110 per regular session and I offer a sliding scale
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