The following therapists are available for therapy in your state. Please click on their profile to learn more about their services and experience.


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Jill Fischer
Licensed Clinical Psychologist (licensed in PA, PsyPact-credentialed)
Licensed in PA

Thinking about Therapy?

The decision to seek help from a mental health professional is not an easy one. If you’ve never been in therapy before, you likely have no idea what to expect, and you may worry that you’ll be judged, criticized, or labeled as “crazy.” If you have been to therapy before, the thought of “starting all over” with someone new can also be overwhelming, especially if your previous experiences haven’t been very helpful. Whether you’re a therapy veteran or a newbie, I believe I can help. Because I believe that therapy is not a “one size fits all” endeavor, I will listen to what you want to get out of therapy so that I can use my expertise to guide you in a way that fits your unique needs and circumstances. As a licensed Clinical Psychologist, I use scientifically proven techniques to help you develop the concrete skills you need to get the results you want. In addition, I use an active, direct, and non-judgmental approach to help you gain insight into the ways you may be unintentionally limiting yourself.
My rate is $200 per intake session + $190 per regular session
I am credentialed with most major insurance companies and offer virtual appointments. Please feel free to contact me at 412-663-0062, or through our website at
I look forward to hearing from you!


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