The following therapists are available for therapy in your state. Please click on their profile to learn more about their services and experience.


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Jean Jones
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (L.C.S.W.)
Licensed in TN

Thinking about Therapy? I hope you will allow me to be a part of helping you become your best self.

Give therapy a chance if you feel lost, or going through a difficult time, let's talk.
My rate is $100 per intake session + $75 per regular session
I understand that making the decision to enter therapy is not always easy. Some therapists take the role of identifying what is "wrong" with a client, or how a client needs to be "fixed." I view my role, as your therapist, as helping you identify and utilize the healthy coping skills you already have to resolve issues. The answers are there and I respect that you know more intimately than anyone what the issues are. I will work with you to reveal the path and help you get the obstacles out of the way, including the many ways we can be our own worst enemy.
See also Psychology Today for more information about me.


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In Person Therapy

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