The following therapists are available for therapy in your state. Please click on their profile to learn more about their services and experience.


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Susan Melzer
NJ LCSW 44SC05353100
Licensed in NJ

Thinking about Therapy?

Trying to find a therapist when you don't know what therapy is even like can feel a bit overwhelming. It may be easier to think of therapy like a coach building skills or perfecting your game to bring you better success or satisfaction. There are many ways that therapy can be used and there is no one size fits all. It's more of what works for you. I try to help people manage their anxieties in a way that causes them less distress, overcome their fears and find a path towards the future that is jmuch lighter than the one they had before seeing me. I have been providing psychotherapy in multiple different types of settings and have found that private practice is where I am most happy helping people.
My rate is $180 per intake session + $175 per regular session and I offer a sliding scale
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me for a 15 minutes consult or to schedule an appointment. Because kids need to be at school or team events and adults need to keep their jobs, most of my sessions are 4 pm or later. I'm currently offering both in person sessions as well as telehealth ones. Again, give me a call If you have any questions. You can reach me at 609-617-0200.
Thank you for taking the time to explore what therapy is and who might be a good fit for you.


Online Therapy
In Person Therapy


Connect with Susan Melzer for therapy.

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Susan Melzer
NJ LCSW 44SC05353100
Licensed in NJ


525 Rt 73 S suite 306B
Marlton, NJ 08053


Online Therapy
In Person Therapy