To do our part, CarePaths is providing a free teletherapy platform to licensed behavioral clinicians.
This service is available to any licensed behavioral clinician, including those who use another EHR or who don't use an EHR.
We are offering free use of the teletherapy platform which includes a standard teletherapy consent form that can be digitally signed by the patient. The teletherapy platform is integrated into our comprehensive EHR and practice management system.
As long as clinicians use only the teletherapy platform, there is no charge.
Currently, the televideo platform works with Windows and Android devices, but not Apple products. In the next few weeks, we will be rolling out an upgrade that will enable Apple devices, a secure texting option, and a downloadable smartphone app.
If you have any questions regarding this special access, please email before you sign up.
To sign up, visit